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Use the pry bar in the bag to open the entrance door.
Find the code on the picture at the dining room to open the buttons game in the Psi bedroom (first bedroom to the right). Collect the jack.
Move the closet in the Omega bedroom (second bedroom to the right). Collect yellow potion bottle and reveal first code of potions game.
Collect the pail from the Phi bathroom (through the Phi bedroom – second to the left).
Use the pry bar to open the tile in the pantry and collect a shoe.
Put the shoe at the stand in the Psi bedroom and collect the silver eagle key.
Use the pry bar to open the tile in the Psi bedroom and collect the hammer.
Use the silver eagle key to open the cell under the silver eagle in the hallway. Collect the wrench.
At the Psi bathroom use the wrench to open the secret door to the cavern that leads to music room.
Collect the rope ladder from the cavern floor between the Psi bathroom and the music room.
Collect the tap from the music room.
Use the rope ladder to go down the well to the underground hall.
Red Diamond Story:
Collect two keys from the flowerpot at the center of underground hall. Open the kitchen door and the caverns door the leads from the pantry to the Sigma bedroom (first to the left).
Collect the screwdriver that on top of the closet in the kitchen.
Set the tap in the kitchen and fill the pail with water.
Use the pail to clean the floor at the cavern between the pantry and the Sigma bedroom and reveal the code. Use this code to open the rings game at the underground hall and open the library door.
With the hammer break the jar in the Sigma bathroom and collect three keys. Open all three locked doors at the underground hall.
Use the screwdriver to open the ventilation shaft at the Phi bathroom and collect the rusty key. Open the door to the pray room (right door at the entrance hall).
Collect the knife from a hole in the wall at the cavern between the work room and the alchemy room.
From the shelf at the alchemy room, collect the coal.
Use the knife to cut the rope at the ritual room and open the door to the cavern between the ritual room and the burial room.
In a hole at the wall in the cavern between the library and the calligraphy room, collect purple potion bottle and reveal second code of potions game.
Collect the bug hidden between the barrels in the wine room, place it at the board in the Phi bedroom and collect the ice pick.
Use the ice pick to break the ice in the burial room and collect the ice bloc.
Collect the matches from the machine at the candles room.
Use the coil and the matches to lit a fire in the stove at the bakery room, place the ice bloc to melt and collect the cogwheel.
At the ritual room, use the jack to move the stone bench. Collect the pitchfork.
Use the pitchfork to remove the hay and reveal the cavern.
In the cavern at the bakery room, collect the tile from the hole in the wall.
Place the tile at the Phi bathroom and collect a book.
Place the book at the shelf in the library and collect a saw.
Use the saw the open the cavern door at the candles room.
Solve the poles game at the cavern room of the candles room (use the hint from the candles shelf). Collect the leather strip and a yellow puzzle piece.
Place the leather strip and the cogwheel on the device in the work room. Collect the red diamond.
Blue Diamond Story:
Collect the black snake key from the foot of the bed in the Omega bedroom.
Use the black snake key to open the cell under the black snake at the entrance hall. Collect the sigma pattern.
Use the sigma pattern to open the sigma box in the sigma bedroom. Collect the red flower.
Place the red flower in the flowerpot at the dining room and collect the magnet.
Use the magnet to collect the fishing hook at the Omega bathroom.
Use the fishing hook to collect the golden eagle key from the floor ventilation at Sigma bathroom.
Use the golden eagle key to open the cell under the golden eagle at the holy room. Collect the cutter.
Break the mirror at the Omega bathroom with the hammer. Collect the mirror shard.
Place the mirror shard underneath the bath in the Psi bathroom to reveal the code to letters game at the garden's door (at the pray room, second door to the right).
Use to cutter to cut the bush in the garden. Collect blue potion bottle and reveal first code of cubes game.
Solve the cubes game at the dining room and collect the blue diamond.
Green Diamond Story:
In the cavern at the candles room, collect the silver snake key from the hole in the wall.
Use the silver snake key to open the cell under the silver snake in the hallway. Collect the sinker.
Use the sinker to open the scales in the work room. Collect the purple flower.
Place the purple flower in the flowerpot at the Sigma bedroom and collect the phi pattern.
Use the phi pattern to open the phi box in the candles room. Collect the white eagle key.
Use the white eagle key to open the cell under the white eagle in the underground hall. Collect the scarf.
Place the scarf at the stand in the dressing room. Collect the omega key.
Use the omega key to open the drawer in the library. Collect the purple puzzle piece.
Break the vase in the ritual room with the hammer. Collect the golden snake key.
Use the golden snake key to open the cell under the golden snake in the holly room. Collect the psi pattern.
Use the psi pattern to open the psi box at the wall in the work room. Collect the knob and the rope loop.
Use the rope loop to collect the toys grabber at the Phi bedroom.
Use the toys grabber at the cavern between the pantry and the Sigma bedroom. Collect the green diamond.
Purple Diamond Story:
Use the knob to open the drawer in the kitchen. Collect the nib.
Place the nib at the inkstand in the calligraphy room. Collect the phi key.
Use the phi key to open the closet in the sigma bedroom. Collect the metal board.
Place the metal board on the wall at the cavern between ritual room and burial room and reveal the code for the switches game.
Solve the switches game at the holly room and collect the bottle of wine and the omega pattern.
Use the omega pattern to open the omega box in the burial room. Collect the pipe for pipe-organ.
Place the pipe for pipe-organ at the pipe organ in the music room and collect the sword.
Use the sword on the knight at the underground hall. Collect the can opener.
Open the can at the pantry with the can opener and collect a piece of cloth.
Place the piece of cloth at the sewing machine and reveal the code to the line-letter game at the calligraphy room.
Solve the line-letter game at the calligraphy room and collect the sigma key.
Use the sigma key to open the drawer in the Omega bedroom. Collect the needle and the sieve.
Sieve the flour at the bakery room with the sieve and collect the bead.
Place the bead at the box in the cavern of candles room and collect the oil can.
Collect the bag of sand from the cavern of candles room.
Use the needle to pop the balloon in the garden. Collect the fan button.
Place the fan button at the fan in the calligraphy room. Pour the bag on sand on the sticky table to reveal the safe code.
Solve the safe combination at the Phi bedroom and collect the blue flower.
Place the blue flower in the flowerpot at the garden and collect the white snake key.
Use the white snake key to open the cell under the white snake in the underground hall. Collect the psi key.
Use the psi key to open the closet in the dressing room. Collect the spray.
Use the spray on the wall at the cavern of bakery room to reveal third code of potions game.
Use the matches and the oil can to lit the oil lamp at the cavern between the Psi bathroom and the music room. Reveal the page number of the book rite on the wall.
Open the book at the page number written on the wall. Collect red potion bottle and reveal fourth code of potions game.
Solve the potions game at the alchemy room. Collect the purple diamond.
Place all diamonds at the device in the cavern of the bakery room. Collect the hexagram key.
Use the hexagram key to open the cell at the wall in the cavern between work room and alchemy room. Collect the red puzzle piece.
Place the bottle of wine at the wine shelf in the wine room. Collect the goblet.
Place the goblet at the stand in the pray room. Collect the yellow flower.
Place the yellow flower in the flowerpot at the library room and collect the black eagle key.
Use the black eagle key to open the cell under the black eagle at the entrance hall. Collect the blue puzzle piece.
Place all puzzle pieces at the puzzle box in the dressing room (order by the letters on the bedrooms' doors at the hallway). Collect the stone ball.
Use the stone ball to press the button at the wine room and open the exit door.
*** For any question, problem or comment Please contact us: Ape.Ale.Help@gmail.com